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United by the same image

On the occasion of the 100th birthday of the Pontifical Approbal of the Teresian Association, we want to celebrate the life, commitment, values and mission of the Association since its beginnings in 1911 in all the countries where we are and all the activities, meetings and actions that are carried out.

We offer a brand image and a common style of communication to give unity to all the messages. It can be applied in a simple way following a brief stylebook.

We have a different and very representative logo, together with graphical elements, which are a common link, from now on, in all the material, which we are going to use to commemorate the Centenary.

Here you can download the necessary files, as well as a style guide that will facilitate the use of these resources and identify the path that is being taken to live this celebration.

downloadable material

downloadable material

Captura de pantalla 2022-10-07 a las 11.54.15.png
Captura de pantalla 2022-10-07 a las 12.28.58.png

Pdf format
with specifications for correct use of graphic elements 

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