January 11, 1924

A defining moment in TA history.
With the Pontifical Approval, the Church endorses the experience lived since the beginning of the Work of the Academies in 1911.
A vision of the future is anticipated: the organization of the laity around an identity and a mission.
The novelty presented by the Teresian Association became more evident when the space was sought to fit it, canonically, among the lay associations of the Church that existed at that time.
1924 is an affirmation of the sensus Ecclesiae of Pedro Poveda and his Work.

Most important events, year by year, and countries where the TA is present since 1911
Press on the year, to know what important event took place.

Pedro Poveda opens the first Teresian Academy in Oviedo.
Between that date and 1922, it was followed by the Academies of Linares, Jaén, Madrid and Málaga, León, Teruel, Barcelona, Ávila, Burgos, San Sebastián, Córdoba… all directed by women.
The TA open to:
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This journey of the Teresian Association, now longer than a hundred years, is full of thousands of faces and voices. All of them valuable.
If you are or have been part of the TA as an associate, former student, as part of a project, as a collaborator, in specific groups... tell us about your experiences, itinerary, memories... We thank you for your contribution.